Delivery Available at checkout
M-F 9am-3pm $100 order minimum for all deliveries.
Pickup available at M-F 9am-5pm
3826 S New Hope Rd Unit 12 Gastonia NC 28056
Balloons To-Go
How to pick up your garland
Arrive at the time/date you selected. Our address is 3826 S New Hope Rd Unit 12 Gastonia, NC 28056. Located in the back behind Tasty. Make sure you are in a large vehicle with seats down and no large items in the vehicle. These balloons are HUGE!
Thank you for supporting our business!
Yay! You are going to make your party pop with one of our pick up garlands!
But how do you hang it?
Hanging on a wall: Located in your bag will be command hooks with a bracelet balloon for easy attaching. Attach the command hook on the wall where you would like the garland. Simply loop the bracelet around a balloon securing it to the wall.
*Make sure to hang the command hook a few minutes before hanging the balloons to ensure the command hook properly adheres.